Travel Notes #4 — Kobe 神戶

Sharon Peng
7 min readJul 15, 2022


Unconsciously that the series comes to number four. If any of you think my article has any things needed to be improved or “maybe this way of writing will be better,” please tell me without hesitation because I eagerly want to improve my English writing skill.

This time I would like to present the trip to Kobe, which is well-known for the “KOBE BEEF” and its exotic culture. Without further chit-chat, let’s dive into it.(中文版在下方~~)


  • Itinerary
  • Kitano Ijinkan-gai
  • HarborLand
  • Rokkosan & Mayasan
  • Arima Onsen
  • Kobe beef
  • Postscripts

1. Itinerary


Day 1: 南京町 (nankin machi)→ HarborLand → Hotel


Day 2: Kitano Ijinkan-gai → Moriya(Kobe beef for lunch) → Ikuta Shrine

→ Online class → Kitano Starbucks → Maya Mountain → Hotel


Day 3: Rokkosan Mountain → Music Box Museum → Kobe Municipal Arboretum → Arima Onsen → Hotel

(It will be convenient to buy a round ticket; tourism could get on at Rokkosan and get off at Arima Onsen, which also contains the bus ticket on the mountain.)


Day 4: 南京町 (nankin machi) → Himeji


2. Kitano Ijinkan-gai(北野異人館)

When people think about Kobe, I guess Kitano Ijinkan-Gai will be the first place that comes to mind, except for the Kobe Beef. As a Taiwanese, who hasn’t been to Europe, I couldn’t say whether the architecture is authentic Europe style or not, so I would rather say the atmosphere here is pretty different than other cities in Japan. Perhaps it can be an index of how exotic it is here.

Before going to Kitano Ijinkan-Gai, from a couple of blocks away, many store’s interiors use cottage style and California style, and Starbucks does this too. Passing by one big store, I didn’t know what kind of store it was at first, but looking closer, I realized, “Oh, It is Starbucks.”

3. HarborLand (Where Kobe Tower is)

Unfortunately, I couldn’t see the Kobe Tower because it was under renovation. Therefore, I just wandered along the harbor and used my eyes to record as many things as possible. The gentle breeze cooled my face, and I felt that I could eliminate all the troubles in my mind.

There are some things you can do at the harbor. First, besides the dock, they are a bay cruise; people could take the cruise and see the whole Kobe port. Second, shoppers could buy as much as they like in the two big shopping malls near the harbor.

4. Mayasan & Rokkosan (Watching Nightscape)

These two sites are my favorite place on the trip.

Maya san

Let’s start from Mayasan. In fact, Maya san is known as one of the Three Major Night Views of Japan, also called a ten million dollar night view. I spent almost 4 hours there, from 17:00–9:00, because I was drawn to the scene and breeze. (Though bees were buzzing around my ears was pretty annoying.)

There is a small coffee shop where people can enjoy a meal with a ten-million-dollar view. Pretty great place. Strongly recommended.


Meanwhile, there has another mountain that also has a great scene; it’s Rokkosan mountain. The difference between Maya san is that Rokkosan has more places to visit. For example, ROKKO森の音ミュージアム, 六甲ガーデンテラス, 六甲山スノーパーク and so on. Sadly, I didn’t have too much time to enjoy all of them because I had to go to 有馬溫泉, where most of the stores closed at 17:00. I must go there before 16:00, then get enough time to take a stroll on the streets.

ROKKO森の音ミュージアム is the thing I must share; it not only extends of view of music boxes but also let me know how brilliant human begin are. It was worth any penny after seeing the music box concert they presented. If you like music just like me, please give them an opportunity to pay a visit.

5. Arima Onsen

Yes, I went to an Onsen place in July. How insane it is. Actually, the difference between the outside and the onsen is only about 5 degrees. In brief, it is the difference between 35 degrees and 40 degrees celsius.😂 However, I would say it is a pretty nice place. I strongly recommend drinking a small bottle of milk after a bath. Happiness is simple.

6. Kobe beef

Before going to Kobe, I was choosing which restaurant where should I go to, Moriya, 彩Dining, or Ishida. I was caught in a dilemma. Finally, I decided to go to Moriya because my intuition told me to do that. I must thank my family for supporting me in eating Kobe beef and the great exchange rate now in Japan.

Wondering the difference between Kobe Beef and Wagu Beef, I asked the chef about it, “The main difference is the beef marbling,” he said. Kobe beef’s bound of marbling and fat is more obvious than Wagu beef. Moreover, it is a special grade of beef that comes from the Tajima-gyu breed of cattle found in Japan’s Hyogo Prefecture, where you can search on the internet.

6. Postscripts

After a couple of trips, I won’t say I am an expert at traveling alone, but I would say that I’m good at having fun with myself. Traveling alone is good; having friends who have the same purpose is better. If I couldn’t find someone else, I wouldn’t rule out having fun with myself.

That’s all, folks!! See you guys next time!!


Day 1: 南京町(17:00)→ 神戶臨海樂園(18:00)→ Hotel

Day 2: 北野異人館街 → 神戶牛(中餐) → 生田神社 → Online class → 北野異人館星巴克→ 摩耶山 → Hotel

Day 3: 六甲山 → ROKKO森の音ミュージアム → 神戶市立植物園 → 六甲空中庭園 → 有馬溫泉 → Hotel


Day 4: 南京町 (nankin machi) → 姬路

























Sharon Peng
Sharon Peng

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